10:34 AM

This weekend we celebrated my birthday!  Ryan made sure to get a picture of me with every gift...there were lots more pictures so you can thank me later for sparing you.
Ryan got me ELLE magazine's 25th anniversary edition :)

And the curling iron I wanted!

Mom H and Mom V combined their package and apparently wrapped it with every piece of packing tape they could find!  Lol

I finally acved and used the scissors

I got my facewash and some mascara from Mom H.

If you have never had Publix sugar cookies (which most of you never had because it is an east coast grocery store) you are truly missing out.  Best. Cookies. Ever. The look on my face was priceless!  Nothing makes me happier than food!

Here is me with my loot!  A lot of the pictures were blurry but I got a lot of stuff and feel so blessed!

With the cash Mom V gave us we went and ate at Shoga.  Yum yum yum.  Food always tastes better when you don't have to work 3 hours to pay for it!

On Friday night Ryan and I went to Benihanas in SLC with my free birthday meal!  Again...free food!  Score!  We met the nicest people at our table.  One of them was writing a book for the church and wanted our ideas.  Kinda random but fun!

Our yummy Gelato...also basically free with a fabulous coupon.

This chandelier was in the gelato place and I had to take a picture.  I thought it was pretty sweet.

Overall I had a great birthday weekend.  Thanks to all those who made it so wonderful!

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