Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
22 Jan 2010
10:27 AM
Ahhh Friday. How I love thee! After my morning of work I went to our local Sunflower Market. They have fresh produce and tons of organic foods and after picking up the ads I noticed they had salmon on sale. Now, for those of you who know me I am not a fish person, and that is putting it mildly. Ryan, on the other hand, loves fish and fish is one thing I don't allow in the house unless it's alive, has a name and lives in a glass bowl. Ryan always does so many nice things for me I thought I could reciprocate and bring home some fishy for him! Hence the first nasty picture. I forgot to have them take off the skin/scales or whatever it is so Ryan had to do it himself. Those are not my hairy arms in the shot! After Kristi's easy recipe I cooked up the salmon, me some chicken in a different pan, some asparagus and bingo we had a meal fit for a king. After eating and watching Friends the snow began to fall and it was truly beautiful outside. Everything was covered in snow and we enjoyed the rest of the night in the comforts of our warm apartment.