2:11 PM
Last night Ryan and I partied it up with the Glassmans and the Broadbents. We pretended it was already summer and BBQed some hamburgers even thought this is what I woke up to on Friday.
The food was so yummy, especially after fasting all day. The burgers hit the spot and we topped it off with a bit of bacon for good measure :) Lara made an amazing dessert and I had to get a picture of it.
She blew up small balloons and dipped them in chocolate and then piped in pudding inside the chocolate bowls and topped it with raspberries. Amazeballs! Seriously it looked amazing and tasted even better than it looked.
Here is the shot after Ryan almost demolished the whole thing
We now have a videographer among us. Tyler and Lara got a video camera for graduation so now all of our adventures will be well documented.
3 1/2 weeks until warm sunny Arizona and we can't wait!